As the schools in the UK are now on holiday for 6 long weeks, we thought we'd combine a 'Schools Out' theme for those who would like to take on that idea, or, if you don't have children or if that's not your thing, a more open Buttons and Bows option is open to you.
This weeks theme is Magical and Mystical. We all love the imaginative land of wonder with fairies, magical animals, castles and everything you could imagine in that world.
We'd love to see what you imaginations can produce for this great theme.
As our DT never fail to come up with the goods, here are their inspirational projects.
This weeks winner for our Sun, Sea and Sand theme is entry number 2 - Kevin.
Congratulations Kevin, your winning entry will be posted on our Wall Of Fame.
Please email me with your details within the next 7 days to claim your prize.
A big thank you to Brenda for her special feature and also to everyone who has entered this week, and not forgetting our DT ladies of course. We'll be back again on Sunday morning at 8.00 a.m UK time with our new challenge.
As the main holiday season gets underway, school holidays looming when families will be zooming off to sunny climes, or even heading to a UK beach (weather permitting lol). Sun, Sea and Sand, please useall three elements, either as visual e.g. a seaside scene, or you can use the names as the various colours e.g. use a sand colour with blue and yellow, in your project.. Or indeed both.
This week, we are proud to feature one of our excellent Design Team members, Brenda.
Brenda has produced this stunning piece for this weeks theme.
Those of you who have worked with PanPastels will know how versatile they are, they can be used with any of your supplies, including on mixed media projects, such as the little domino book I have created for our ‘Sun, Sea and Sand’ challenge this week.
This piece has been made using yellow, blue and green PanPastels, Distress Ink and Archival ink for the inside pages and then alcohol inks, painted cheesecloth and shrink plastic shells and sea horse for the dominoes.
The stamps used are Crafty Individuals plates 284 and 272.
On the inside I cut black card for the accordion pages and used white card on which I used the pastels and stamps for the beach scene. By cutting the scene up and moving the pieces around I created unusual mixed image pages adding the beach bunting to provide the title or focus.
To finish off, the cheesecloth and shrinkies created a very textural cover for the book and I tied it all together with vintage gold thread.
I would love it if you popped over to my blog to see more photos.
Our other DT members have again made these wonderful pieces, due to the current weather in the UK, they bring a little sunshine into our Blog
The winner of our Challenge 26 theme is entry number 2 - MichelleJM.
Congratulations Michelle, please email me within the next 7 days to claim your prize. Your entry will be placed on our Wall Of Fame.
Thank you to all our entrants, beautiful work as always, we really appreciate seeing your work and we hope you will all continue to join us in our weekly challenges.
Summer is usually the time we all enjoy a lovely refreshing ice cream, so as a twist, we thought we'd use this angle to see what colours you would associate with ice cream and use it on a card, canvas or journal page etc. In your write up, please tell us what 'flavours' you have associated to each colour, vanilla, chocolate, mint, pistachio etc.
Please note: This weeks winner will be announced on Sunday 15th July.
This weeks theme is Use A Digi. The main image must therefore be a digital image, not a rubber/acrylic or similarly inked stamp. As there are literally millions out there, the subject matter is totally open (as long as it is a digital image).
Our DT members are amazingly versatile and as always, produce inspiration galore.
Please ensure that you read our challenge rules before posting your entry. Some key pointers are:
1. Only ONE entry per person is allowed (any subsequent entries from the same person will be deleted).
2. Please ensure that your entry is linked to a specific post, not your main Blog 'home' page.
3. Your entry post must be back linked here to our Challenge Blog.